Criterion, Academic English Intermediate, Mitsu Matsuoka, Nagoya University, Monday 5th Period, Spring Term, 2019


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無題 - 動物虐待 反対

2023/08/04 (Fri) 12:27:25

登口大貴 オウム ヤクザ ひかりの輪 暴力団 韓国 アレフ 創価学会 唐澤貴洋
登口大貴 中国マフィア 幸福の科学 革マル 長谷川亮太 アルカイダ 元公安 朝鮮 オウム
登口大貴 ヤクザ ひかりの輪 暴力団 在日 創価学会 アレフ 唐澤貴洋 中国マフィア
登口大貴 韓国 長谷川亮太 アルカイダ 元公安 朝鮮 幸福の科学 革マル オウム
登口大貴 暴力団 在日 アレフ ヤクザ ひかりの輪 中国マフィア 唐澤貴洋 韓国
登口大貴 長谷川亮太 アルカイダ 朝鮮 元公安 幸福の科学 革マル オウム 創価学会
登口大貴 在日 暴力団 ヤクザ ひかりの輪 アレフ 長谷川亮太 唐澤貴洋 中国マフィア
登口大貴 元公安 朝鮮 韓国 オウム 幸福の科学 革マル 創価学会 在日
登口大貴 アルカイダ 暴力団 ひかりの輪 アレフ ヤクザ 唐澤貴洋 中国マフィア 朝鮮
登口大貴 韓国 長谷川亮太 オウム 幸福の科学 革マル 元公安 在日 アルカイダ

無題 - --

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Re: 東京都練馬区東大泉4-29-3 パサニー大泉学園302 - 動物虐待 反対

2023/04/23 (Sun) 18:06:17

猫 に 石投げつけ て 楽しんでる って 本当 ですか?

@shogohamabe - ami

2022/09/01 (Thu) 04:00:56

浜部翔暉 下手 1000円カット並 低品質 ぼったくり 高額 最悪
浜部翔暉 容疑者 顔がでかい 一重 釣り目 整形 口が臭い
浜部翔暉 oakたまプラーザ はまべ 美容師 サービス料 悪徳 ヤバい
浜部翔暉 下手 oakたまプラーザ はまべ 顔がでかい 一重 釣り目
浜部翔暉 顔がでかい 1000円カット並 サービス料 ぼったくり 高額 低品質
浜部翔暉 容疑者 一重 釣り目 整形 口が臭い 浜部彩美
浜部翔暉 最悪 @shogohamabe oakたまプラーザ はまべしょうご ぼったくり サービス料

はまべさん これなんですか? - tommy URL

2022/08/14 (Sun) 04:28:57

浜部翔暉 下手 1000円カット並 低品質 ぼったくり 高額 最悪
浜部翔暉 容疑者 顔がでかい 一重 釣り目 整形 口が臭い
浜部翔暉 oakたまプラーザ はまべ 美容師 サービス料 悪徳 ヤバい
浜部翔暉 下手 oakたまプラーザ はまべ 顔がでかい 一重 釣り目
浜部翔暉 顔がでかい 1000円カット並 サービス料 ぼったくり 高額 低品質
浜部翔暉 容疑者 一重 釣り目 整形 口が臭い 浜部彩美
浜部翔暉 最悪 @shogohamabe oakたまプラーザ はまべしょうご ぼったくり サービス料

oakたまプラーザ はまべ の 経歴 - 浜美

2022/08/02 (Tue) 00:51:38

浜部翔暉 容疑者 1994年8月25日 生まれ
同級生への恐喝 女子生徒への性的暴行で城東高校にばれ自主退学勧告
城東高校 中退が2011年
2011~2013 ktc中央高等学院 
2013~2015 大村美容ファッション専門学校
奥さんの浜部彩美(旧姓 塩田)さんは知らないだろうな

無題 - 猪子晴香

2022/06/02 (Thu) 11:17:19


I live in Josai, Nishiku, Nagoya. Josai means west of a castle. We can see the Nagoya Castle from Josai elementary school which I have graduated from. Besides, my town has many good points. I introduce you to the town.

First, Nagoya Castle is built by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1615. It has Kinshati, golden skull. There are the castle in Nakaku. However some residents can see the castle from them home. We are proud of the castle, but we don’t have any castle. We have mixed feelings. There are various animals around the castle. For example, raccoons, snakes, masked palm civets, and deer. I have saw beer before. If you are lucky, you may be able to see some animals.

Second, some people may not like my town, because there are no Lawson in my town. However My town has a lot of Family Marts and two Seven-Elevens. There are delicious breads and cakes in Family Marts so you will come to like the stores. There are a Family Mart near the station. Sengentyo is the station that are in Josai. You can buy some foods before you take the train. Moreover, there is a McDonald’s near the station. If you are hungry, you can eat there.

Last, there is Nishi Library in my town. You can study at the library and borrow various books. The library has a space to introduce Nagoya Castle. You can know history of the castle and my town.

In conclusion, I love Josai, because my town is good for living. If you want to come to the town, you can come to the town by subway or bus.

無題 - 稲垣侑香

2022/05/20 (Fri) 01:28:26


My hometown is Kasugai, which is in the Northeast of Nagoya. It has a long history. It is the birthplace of Ono no Tofu, who played as a calligrapher during the Heian period. Therefore, this town is called “Sho no machi” even now. These are the famous stories of the town, but I would like to introduce the unknown characteristics.

First, there are four stations of the JR line in Kasugai. We can go to Nagoya with ease by the JR line, so they are very useful for the citizens. Kachigawa Station, which is one of the JR lines and is the closest to Nagoya, has many buildings including a hospital and a cram school around the station. It is a prosperous area in the city.

Second, many events are held every year in Kasugai. One of the big events is the Kasugai Festival in autumn. Exhibitions and contests are held at the city hall and nearby parks. There are plenty of food stalls, so anyone can enjoy it. Another big event is the summer festival in Ochiai Park. We can see a lot of fireworks at night. Both are traditional events that have been held more than forty times.

Third, new facilities have been built in Kasugai. A large commercial facility called Iias Kasugai opened last year. Many customers come to shop even on weekdays because it is located along National Highway No.19 with heavy traffic. It has a toy store, which must be a playground for children on holidays.

無題 伊神和希

2022/05/18 (Wed) 08:44:47

My hometown is Inuyama, which is located in the north of Aichi prefecture. It is a natural town. Its population is about seventy three thousand. It takes about 30 minutes from this town to Nagoya station by train. This city has some tourist attractions. For example, Meiji Village, Little World, Monkey Park, and so on. But, in my hometown, the above places is far away. My town is natural. There are many mountains. So, I will talk about near by a coffee shop and athletic field.
First, the coffee shop’s name is “Tona Café”. It is a small shop. The shop is surrounded by paddy field. Various people come to there. The shop main food is Taiyaki. This food prices 120 yen. But, sometimes 100 yen sale. This food suggests seasonal taste. It is very interesting. For example, kuri. Also, in summer, it has shaved ice. My favorite food is hamburger. It is over one thousand yen. But, this food is very volume and photogenic. Many modern people take picture and post Instagram. This taste is also delicious.
Second, the athletic field is called “Haguro Center Park”. This place is built about four years ago. We can enjoy playing many sports there. For instance, soccer, basketball, tennis, and so on. Foreign people often come there to play basketball. Also, senior citizen often walk around soccer field in the morning. Its distance 400 meters. There is also gym.
I was born and grew up in Inuyama. I like here. I want show you a number of interesting places.

Topic3 - Matsuo Yoshitaka

2019/08/06 (Tue) 16:13:42

I partly disagree this idea. First, charity is needed for people who were attacked by disaster. government needs enormous The money to recover the bridge, construction, and more. In 2011, when a big earthquake happened in Japan, many countries send Japan much money for charity. When a big disaster happened, I think indiscriminate charity is necessary.
However, regarding the charity for poor people, I agree this idea.
First, the money for charity does not exist abundance. All of people who are suffering extreme poverty cannot enjoy the money of charity. The charity for the man who can work and earn money is unnecessarily.
Secondly, the donor of charity expect the money they invest makes a circulation in our society. If a serious illness man is given money and he recovered from ill, he can work and earn money again. The circulation of money is made by this charity, but if he is the man who does not have motivation to work, he will not earn money and circulation does not occur.
In conclusion, I think that indiscriminate charity is necessary in a disaster, but charity for poor people may make him bad influence and good circulation does not occur.


Topic2 - Matsuo Yoshitaka

2019/08/06 (Tue) 14:52:22

I completely agree to play games in childhood. There are three reason about it.
First, the experiment in game is not basically useful 10 years later. For example, reading books does not lead him to be good at math, but the experiment in the books will be his property.
In game, the thing like this do not occur. The improvement by playing game are only shooting skills, reflexes and hand dexterity. They are not utilized in our society. The reason children are fascinated game is the developer thought very much how to pull children in the world of game, but children can not realize this. When I was a child, my parents forbit me to play game in home. In childhood, this is very dissatisfied, but now I thanked my parents.
Second, children have many things to do. To study is important, to play with his friend is important. All experiments in childhood will be important memories. But game take away times from children to do many things. For example, children learn how to communicate with others by playing. They get sociality by communication with same age children.
In conclusion, playing games generate nothing, and take away from children much time.


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